The Miller Institute is pleased to announce the Visiting Miller Professorship awards granted during this year's competition.



Name Home Institution Department
Christl Donnelly University of Oxford IB
Alain Goriely University of Oxford ME
Jordan Horowitz
University of Michigan Physics
Thomas Juenger The University of Texas at Austin PMB
Anat Levin Technion EECS
Wencai Liu Texas A&M MATH
Suliana Manley Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (EPFL) BIOENG
Liviu Mirica
* Somorjai Visiting Miller Professor
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign CHEM
Caroline Muller Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) EPS
Chengwei Qui National University of Singapore MSE
Jared Rutter University of Utah MCB
Paul Selvin University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign NEUROSCI