60 years of science

Friday - Alumni House

5:00 - 7:00 pm  Reception

Saturday - Stanley Hall

8:30 - 8:45         Registration
8:45 - 9:00         Welcome
9:00 - 11:45       Talks:
                          Maha Mahadevan: "On growth and form: geometry,
                          physics and 
                          Alice Guionnet: "About Universal Laws"
                          Roger Bilham: "Earthquakes and money: frail
philanthropic engineers and a few corrupt
                          bad guys on the southern edge of the
Asian plate"
12:00 - 1:00       Lunch
1:00 - 3:15         Talks:
                          Ken Eisenthal: "Lasers probing the world we live in"  
                          Ryosuke Motani: "What emerged after the Permo-
                          Triassic global warming--marine tetrapods and
                          their ecological roles"
                          Vijay Pande: "Fifteen years of Folding@home:
                          How Citizen Science has Led to Key New Advances
                          in Biophysics and Fighting Disease"

3:15 -3:45          Break
3:45 -6:00          Talks:
                          Sally Otto: "Genomic scope of Adaptive Mutations 
                          in the Face of Environmental Challenges"
                          Roger Blandford: "The Miller Universe: Astronomy
                          in the Next Decade"

6:30                   Hors D'oeuvres & Dinner

Sunday - Optional Tours

8:00 - 5:00         Geology Tour of Marin County

10:00                 Advanced Light Source
                          UC Botanical Garden

11:00                 UC Botanical Garden
                          UC Museum of Verterbrate Zoology

12:00                 UC Museum of Verterbrate Zoology